Thursday, January 10, 2013

Bloggy Catch-up...

 What in the world has the McPherson's been up to?
Besides learning to survive the longest lay-off we've ever encountered?

Well today I've pulled out my Valentines Day crap to cheer it up around here... 


I've been a busy little mad hatter... another hidden talent of mine, not. 
 Making hats for a Marie Antoinette shoot Autumn has coming up.
 Tri-corner mini hat; cardboard, Styrofoam, pink material, ribbon, feather, button and lace.

 Ship hat; Noah's old model ship, pink paint, cardboard, felt, ribbon and roses.

Ruby and I walk most days... checking out the neighbor's chickens. 

 Noah is busy... unschooling. 

 Autumn and I get out once in awhile, she treats me to lunch and shopping. 

was able to take a few nature walks... not as many as we should be though. 

 Babysitting this cutie pie.

 Hangin with squirrels...

 Collecting more butterflies... thanks to Autumn:)

Fixing up Noah's bedroom. We've only had that awesome pegged rack 
for years now and we just put it up! 

Hanging with Caleb more than usual, the kid has been super sick. Day 7 and he's still whiny, ugh!
But a blessing in the mist of sickness!  He hasn't smoked in seven days (yes, he's a dummy) because he's been too sick and says he doesn't even want one anymore. Yay! But let me tell you; he was a bear the first few days. I was about ready to kick his butt! But we made it through.  I can now stop lecturing him ten times a week about the dangers of smoking. Let's hope! 

So that's about it in a nutshell... What have you been up to?


Project Tara said...

I got out my Valentine's last week, too. We put them under the dining room table glass as usual. I always think of you when I see them. :-)

I hope Brad finds something soon... and that Caleb heals and never, ever, EVER smokes again.

Anet said...

Thanks Tara... makes me happy that I cross your mind. Like when I sip from my favorite mug or slip on my adorable owl mitties:)

Too late I caught the dummy out on the porch smoking today. Now it's game on. I'm bitchin a fit at him and it's not fun... for him. I can't believe he could be so....... ugh..... stupid!

Jessica said...

You guys really have been super busy, fingers crossed Caleb really does give up the ol cancer sticks.My mum was addicted for a long long time.A few years ago she got a lump on her neck, long story short she had to have parotid cancer removed.She is now partially paralized around one side of her mouth, but the cancer is gone!Dr's sure soking was the cause.

Jessica said...

hose hats are amazing too, forgot to mention it, the little pink one on the dolls head is amazing!

Lisa said...

Hi Anet!!

I love your Valentine's Day crap! And I love that you call it crap! I especially love the ship hat! You are very talented!!
My, Noah is growing up! I hardly recognized him! Goose is 5'5"!!! I can't believe it myself!
have a great week(even if Caleb is being stupid!!!!)