Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Adventures in homeschool... a walk down memory lane.

 I love this kid... couldn't of asked for a better one! Funny, smart, kind hearted, caring young man. He'll be fourteen in October... I can't believe it!  Where has time gone?  I am so blessed that we were able to homeschool and share all these wonderful experiences and spend so much time together.

Things are changing for sure, that's been a little hard on me... sigh.  He's growing up, becoming a young man. No longer do we do the fun hands-on projects together. And he's more interested in video games and friends than me lately... and that's okay.  I just miss this Noah. But I know I'll love the grown Noah even more. I'm excited to see what paths he'll take.

This fall he's doing an online 8th grade school. More independent work. Which could be wonderful or not so... we shall see.

Many blessings to my sweet young man... may he grow and learn and be awesome!


Project Tara said...

Aw... they grow so fast! Wishing you guys a great school year!
P.S. I remember most of those pictures!!

Anet said...

You've been with us for a long time Tara:) Dear old friend now! lol:)
I wish I had a time machine to go back and do it (homeschooling little Noah) all over again. I wouldn't change a thing.

Tammy said...

I remember almost all of these photos!!! I'm feeling much the same way with Kayla. Sigh...